

Lassi The best way to calm the heat of a spicy dish is to drink lassi. Yoghurt has many health-giving properties and this drink is perfect for settling the stomach. It can be served sweet or salty.

Serves 4

400g natural yoghurt
75g sugar (for sweet version), 1,5 tsp salt (salty version)

Pour the yoghurt into a bowl, add the sugar or salt ans 200ml water. Whisk well until all the lumps of yoghurt have broken down and all the sugar or salt has dissolved. The lassi should be smooth.

For salty lassi stir in roasted cumin seeds.
Sweet lassi garnish with pistachio.

For a delicios banana lassi just add 3 ripe bananas with the water and yoghurt. Add cinnamon and sugar to taste and blend in a food processor until smooth.